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Craniosacrale Therapy

This is a form of therapy that balances the pressure of the CSF (fluid) in the spine. The fasciae attached to the vertebrae are moved and the body structure is gently balanced at the same time. This also results in the restoration of our psychosomatic equilibrium.

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The entire body is treated with a focus on the skull (cranium), the spine and the sacrum. The Craneo Sacral System also includes internal structures such as meninges and spinal cord membranes with their fluid (cerebrospinal fluid). The unrestricted flow of the liquor and the movement of the bony parts of this system regulate numerous vital body functions.

The treatment removes restrictions and blockages; Self-regulation, self-healing powers and inner immune strength are promoted. Important for regeneration as well as maintaining health and effective in the treatment of complaints and diseases.

Important indications:

Deep relaxation, stress, back problems, excessive muscle tension (hypertension), headache, sleep disorders, trauma, fall, impact, concentration and learning difficulties, hyperactivity, exhaustion, recovery aid, pain symptoms without pathological findings.

Renew thyself completely each day; do it again, and again, and forever again

Lanzarote Massage

Jacinto Benavente 5
E-35507 Tahiche
(0034) 659974480

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