Shiatsu supports the fascial treatment. This technique works on the meridians. The muscles are opened by finger pressure massage and this gives the nerve tracts, the lymphatic system and the blood vessels more space to work unhindered.
That means blood circulation, fluid regulation and relaxation work better.
It also brings the body back to its natural state and aligns it.

In Shiatsu, a diagnosis is carried out according to the old tradition in terms of the 5 elements in order to see which areas of the body have been affected. It is recognized which meridians (including fascia) must be worked on. In this way, we work specifically on the grievances of the body.
Anyone who has ever enjoyed a Shiatsu massage will appreciate the beneficial effects. Regardless of whether Shiatsu is used due to a certain ailment or as a preventive measure. The effect is based on the special quality of touch in Shiatsu.
It is able to positively support the flow of Ki (life energy).
One should offer the body something good, so that soul feels like living in it
Lanzarote Massage
Jacinto Benavente 5
E-35507 Tahiche
(0034) 659974480
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